>>In literature when an author gives human characteristics to an animal, it's
called an7thro7po7MOR7phism. <<
silly me, I thought it was anthropomorphism, but what do I know, I'm only a
mike in bcn
NPIMH a track from the 70s (when Teddy Teeth was the prime minister of the uk)
called 'Ascension Day' but I can't remember the name of the band. The 'b' side
was called 'Teddy Teeth goes sailing' about the PM's habit of going sailing
when the country was on the brink of collapse. I recall this because this
morning in Spain I read of the President of Galicia taking a hunting trip when
thousands of Galicians are heading for the welfare line because of the
collapse of the shellfish industry due to the oil spill there last week.
The NPIMH is longer than the mail: is this a record?

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