In a message dated 11/26/2002 11:16:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> I only know what I've heard on the radio from Beck, and in the past 
> I haven't particularly liked it, so I'm a little hesitant 
> to jump in.


I was never much of a Beck fan. The critics raved about Odelay, and I didn't care much 
for it. BUT "Sea Change" is a whole different animal. An entirely different style, as 
different as STAS is from Mingus. The whole CD flows almost as one song, in much the 
same way as "Dark Side of the Moon". And the production is also very similar to 
Radiohead's newer works, melodic and ambient and textural. Some of the vocals are a 
little mushy, but that's not anything I have any problem with.

His use of strings & orchestration here is reminiscent of what "Madman Across The 
Water" sounded like. Pretty awesome.

Look for this one ending up on LOTS of "Ten Best" lists, mine included.


NP: Cheap Trick, "Take Me, I'm Yours"

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