This is my first posting, my name's Mike and I live in england.

I'd been reading the posts for a while but thought I'd wait until I had something m,eaningful to say about travelogue but - guess what - it still hasn't arrived. I'm grateful to whoever it ws on the list gave a link to cd-wow as the price of #12.99 seems unbeatable, but I've just had a message from them that they're out of stock and promising delivery within a few days. In a perverse way, I'm quite pleased they're out of stock as it might mean that a lot of peeople are ordering and to me not enough people appreciate enough about Joni and, like her, I get pretty pissed off with people talking about her as, for example, "one of the best female singer-songwriters". I mean, really!!!

So I'm still listening at the moment to my one-disc cd of Shadows and Light - what a bargain that was and incredibly underrated imho - fantastic versions of Amelia and Hejira from my favourite Joni album and the Mingus cuts sounding much warmer and "better" imo than on the original. My forst Joni album, purchased on its release when I was 17 (gave my age away there) was For The Roses which I still think is right up with her best, but for me her most under-rated album is Hissing of Summer Lawns, which absolutely blew me away when I first heard it and still has the capacity to surprise and shock and give new meanings almost every time I hear it.

I did start to listen to the Nonesuch files of travelogue on the internet, but I was disapointed with the quality so gave up after Dawntreader, which sounded leaden and jaded to be honest so thought I'd wait for the actual cd wehich I'm sure won't sound so compressed and weedy (at least I hope not) I gather that most of you weren't very impressed with BSN but I love it - I can't get past Answer Me and A Case of You without crying, and while A Case of You is obviously great on Blue as well I actually prefer it in the context of BSN.

Anyway, I'll let you know what I think of travelogue when (eventually) I get it. I had been hoping that Song for Sharon would be on it - I love everything about that song and think it would have fitted the theme and mood perfectly - but never mind, there's plenty else to enjoy and I'm particularly looking forward to Sire of Sorrow - my favourite 90's Joni song at the moment, and I'm interested in hearing the male antagonists mentioned and how these add to the song.

Best of everything to everyone.

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