
ALBUM OF THE WEEK: Travelogue by Joni Mitchell
Nonesuch 7559798172, #19.99

On tribute albums we marvel at those who reinterpret the work of the artist and mutter
unpleasantries about the ones who slavishly clone the original. Joni Mitchell has 
wisely decided to
save them all the bother and reinterpret herself , and what a wonderful job she has 
made of it. This
has the sweep of Hollywood's golden era, with 'Slouching Towards Bethlehem' and 'The 
Sire Of Sorrow'
more blinding than hitching down the road to Damascus. 'Hejira' was made for this kind 
of treatment,
but the double album set's finest moments are probably the creative reworking of even 
more familiar
songs such as 'Woodstock', 'The Last Time I Saw Richard' and 'The Circle Game'. The 
former is
transformed from a eulogy to the last great act of 60s hippiedom into something more 
of a social
documentation, blessed with musical hindsight. Another song that seems to have been 
screaming out for this treatment is 'Sex Kills', which comes over all horny and on the 
Travelogue may symbolise journeying the length and breadth of Mitchell's career, but 
it also takes
the listener past vistas never usually seen on the conventional pop and rock routes. 
And it is first
class all the way.


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