I had already heard and played a number of times the
pieces from the Nonesuch site and those that another
lister (I think?) posted. This album needs to be heard
at least two or three times to come together. First
impressions can be misleading. I've gone back and
forth between thinking, "Yuck!" and "Holy crap, this
thing is sublime!"

My initial reaction to some of the songs was, fer
Chrissakes, willya lay off the cigarettes? You sound
like you've got emphysema! But of course, all that has
now been said. Let's not talk about smoking now.

I haven't heard the whole disc yet. Those songs I have
heard are all songs I already heard from the
downloads. The CD versions are, of course, better than
the downloaded ones (I did burn a CDR of the ones I
was able to copy from that tripod site and they
weren't bad at all.)

Here's a few impressions from my point-a-view.

Flat Tires - well, hey, this is the song as it should
have been done. I didn't care much for it on WTRF, but
this one is great. Kind of like Peggy Lee, after she
lost the little-girl sound, but before she became so
laid-back as to be semi-comatose. This one swings,
baby. Love that funk organ. Give me more!

Slouching toward Bethlehem - lots of forward motion
and dynamic sound in this. Stunningly arranged, this
one. Lots of "beasty" noises from the orchestra, like
elephant trumpetings and lions-and-tigers-and-bears
(oh my!) growling and roaring. Sounds like the rough
beast is moving relentlessly toward you, and past you
and then on away from you. Think Juggernaut. Think
big-budget bible movies, or Liz Taylor as Cleopatra.
Crowd scenes, animals, all that stuff. Think the
circus is coming to town as interpreted by Stephen
King. (Mwa-ha-ha - the circus of eeeevil!) Be glad it
didn't stop to eat you on its way through town to
bigger things.

The Last Time I Saw Richard - feels like Joni is
speaking right in your ear. Wow - how LOW can you GO?

Otis and Marlena - timeless and timely. (Small
digression here - I always thought Otis would look
like Abner Kravitz from the "Bewitched" TV show for
some reason; and Marlena would be a tall blonde leggy
woman with a big hat and dark glasses, maybe an
ex-beauty-queen or wannabe. Kind of like Joni but more
princess-y - one of those women who just *has* to have
the latest everything.) Back to the CD track though -
does the original DJRD version have that clarinet or
oboe or high sax tweedling "by the dawn's early light"
at the end of it too? Must give it a listen.

Cherokee Louise - well, I think Joni captures a
little-girl quality in the opening few lines; almost
like she has become her younger self once again and
remembers it like it just happened. One of the
questions I would ask Joni if ever I met her would be,
"So, why WERE the cops after Louise? Is it because she
stabbed or attacked her foster father? (Jeez, I hope
so!) or is it just because she ran away?" Has Joni
ever said? This question has plague me ever since I
heard the song. I'd also like to know what ever became
of Louise; like is she OK?"

More later. Maybe. Maybe not.



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