> ----- Original Message -----
>> The BBC Joni concert show aired on TV tonight. Joni solo in a London studio
>> with a small audience, doing some of her early 70's songs

The year was 1971. This half hour concert was a portion of the Pink Dress
Concert that is sometimes available on trading lists. The original tape has
a broadcast master editing clock ticking away at the top of the screen and
it's apparent from the non-sequential numbers that the original concert is
well over an hour long.
>>> For those who haven't seen the images, she's about 30 years old,

27 or 28 in 1971.

>>> The set
>>> Chelsea morning - guitar
>>> Cactus tree - guitar
>>> For free - piano
>>> California - dulcimer
>>> Big yellow taxi - guitar
>>> Both sides now - guitar

The longer version includes her between-songs patter which was typical of
Joni at the time: long rambling stories, lots of giggling, an air of
vulnerability and shyness.

The quality was superb and it was a wonderful treat to see the Joni I fell
in love with all those years ago.


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