To me, the best work was in the 70's esp. Hissing and Hejira. I think a lot 
of men don't get Joni emotional lyrics. Now this is not a criticism but men 
and women do express themselves differently. I recalll reading in the early 
80's when WTRF came out a couple of comments in the reviews. One stuck with 
me. It basically said thet were finally glad Joni was writing about such 
heavy things, she was now doing some light pop music. I didn't follow her 
much in the 80's and went back to her work again with NRH and the rest. My 
favorite of a ll her work is Hejira. I have listened to it thousands of times 
and I still love STAS.

A quick comment about her voice. I've read so many lately. I think smoking, 
aging, and voice strain are the culprits. I think her voice around the years 
of LOTC and Blue was shrill at times. I remember even thinking that at the 
time. I loved her albums but thought some of the very high notes were harsh. 
I loved her voice when it was clearer and lower esp in the mid 70's. I still 
like her voice. It creates a certain mood and is very jazzy. I played a song 
on T"Log for my son and told him about the things said about her voice and he 
said after listening,"I don't know what is wrong with it." 
I think she has problems with her voice and wish she would quit smoking not 
for any reasons other than her health. 

I have also read reviews for 30 years and ,yes, critics have been harsh on 
her and then down the road praise the work. When she started out I think she 
was seen as a pretty, hippie girl and when the forceful, talented woman came 
through-well- I do think it's a male dominated field and women have never 
been accepted the same way. I mean look at Rolling Stone. 

I think you have to be a certain kind of person to get Joni. I have a brother 
about my age who is very ill and has dementia from his illness though he is 
still only middle aged. One day I was with him and he blurted out to me, "Do 
you stll listen to that depressed woman?"  Maureen

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