Subject: t'log finally arrived....

well, well, well.......

i haven't listened to a damned thing yet but adore this piece of work
already. it is so beautifully produced. not since the golden days of LPs
with gate-fold sleeves, have i dwelt on how lovingly the whole thing is put
together. i think ms mitchell truly gives a damn about her audience to give
so much (was there ever any doubt). how easy it would have been, and
acceptable to us all indeed were she to have delivered the usual CD, a few
pictures in a little plastic case.

but this....

i dont intend to listen to the music in full until i get some peace and
quiet to do so. instead, i placed CD1 into my computer - not noticing that
the speakers (good ones) were switched on - to look at the picture gallery i
knew to be there. a wonderful 'walk-through' accompanied by 'refuge of the
road'. oh god, what a lovely thing.

i dearly love this. i am so impressed.

les (london)

You are sooooooooooooooo right. I still remember the good old days of buying lps that were lovingly produced - honourable mentions to almost all Joni's work I bought on black vinyl but espec FTR, HOSL, Hejira and DJRL. And those days are back, but better, with Travelogue. Got mine today from cd-wow, lovingly brought it home, refraining form playing it in the car, it just wouldn't seem right somehow and straight upstairs to see the artwork on disc one. And I was surprised to hear "Refuge" floating out but it seemed so right and I'd never heard Refuge sound better or understood it more and I am Hejira's biggest fan (yes, I am, believe me, you part-timers don't compete) ;) Right, I'm going to listen to the cd now - but can I say, no cd ever has given me so musch pleasure before I've actually played it - and there are two hours of aural masterpieces to follow.

Heaven, I'm in heaven.

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