Well, it's been one week and one day since I brought
Travelogue home to its little nest (my CD player) and
I've had 8 full days to explore it. 

I can safely say that this record will be remembered
as being great. People may not know quite how to deal
with it now, but in 10 or 20 years from now, people
will look back at this record with a lot of respect
and appreciation. It's so uniquely Joni. No one else
has done anything like this before. And the results
are rapturous, and lasting.

The record's greatest track, in my opinion, is Hejira,
and I'm probably just saying that because it's my
favourite JM composition of all time. I'm allowing
myself to be bias! The waves of strings over the drums
and base, the swell of brass at the end of the song
and Joni's dramatic and soulful retelling of this
emotional journey is haunting. Thank god she did this
song on Travelogue!

I'm not going to rank the other songs in any kind of
lame order, since they all have some sort of virtue
and glimmer of gold, albeit some more than others. 

A week may not be a long time to decide on much of
anything, but I know in my heart that Travelogue will
stand the tests of time. 


PS: Leonard Cohen's voice is the most sexual, most
gratifying male voice I've heard, to those who
misunderstood my intention when I called it plain. I
love Leonard Cohen and wish he loved me back, baby!
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