Bryan, it's because Joni Mitchell was interviewed by a Saskatoon newspaper recently and said, if there was a statue of her in Saskatoon, she'd want it to be a park bench with a figure of her sitting at one end of it. Then she could come to Saskatoon, sit next to her statue, and could honestly say she was "beside herself" over it.

And so the Joni Mitchell's Beside Herself Fund was born. :-)


Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 00:44:57 EST
Subject: Re: JMDL Digest V2002 #542 - Beside Herself

Joni Mitchell's Beside Herself

A fabulous idea. But can someone explain to me please why the proposed statue
has that name? I know what the expression "beside oneself" means, I just
don't get it as a name for sculpture.


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