DF wrote: "Should I have read farther back into the archives. Is it normally this
Insensitive around here."

I think the matter may be more about hyper-sensitivity rather than insensitivity. With 
a list this size, people are going to occasionally step on one another's toes since we 
are here to DISCUSS, meaning that opinions of all shapes, sizes and colours are flying 
back and forth. Not all of them will meet with everyone's approval, nor should they. 
Life's way too short to be PC and homogenous, not meaning to offend people who feel 
life should be that way! Ahem...

We're also dealing with a very grey form of communication. Writing conversationally 
via e-mail often causes misunderstandings and hurt feelings because tone of voice, 
facial expression and body language are absent.

While I haven't agreed with everything that everyone posts, I think there is a healthy 
respect for everyone on board. If something offends you, take it with a dose of salt 
and move on - it's not life or death and it isn't even a matter of personal attack, 
just differences of opinion about all kinds of topics. 

Remember this is just a group of people who like the same artist, not a workshop on 
how to offend people or how best to please every individual. Everyone is entitled to 
their opinion and while tact and foresight are hopefully components of each post, it 
is not anyone's duty to please anyone else with their thoughts. In fact, it's often 
more exciting to incite debate and discussion about controversial matters, like 
smoking versus non smoking, ambitious or unambitious Canadian voices, fags, 
homosexuals and cigarettes. Just don't take it so personally. And if someone does get 
personal with you, take it off list and give them hell. 

"Throwin' the lightness on these things, laughin' it all the way,"

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