In a message dated 12/07/2002 1:27:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> .  I'm like Muller on this one. 

Whoo-Hoo! I love it when we agree! :~)

And further to Joni as "album writer", that's a very good point, BUT I have 
no problem hearing Joni on shuffle mode, with the exceptions being Shadows & 
Light, Miles of Aisles, and Court & Spark. It just sounds disjointed hearing 
some of those songs separated from their adjoining twins!

I'm also pretty sure that Joni is the dancing lady with the hole in her 
stocking...gawd she can't stand up without moving, which is a good thing. 
When I saw her in '98 I thought her "dancing" while she played her guitar was 
very hypnotizing & sensual.


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