Listened to Travelogue once the day it was released and put it away. Waaaay
too depressing to listen to given the emotional state I was in at the time. I
mean, think about it, when was the last time you heard this many depressing
topics dealt with on a CD?
Terrorist attacks
airplane crashes
a life without love
loss of 60's innocence
a blood dimmed tide loosed upon the world
innocence drowned in anarchy
god making everything we dread and fear come true
losing all taste for life
starvation of the faithful
crucifixion of the saints
prosperity of the wicked
breathtaking ignorance
the emptiness of commercial success
the shock of knowing you really have no one
having no one to give your love to
gas leaks
oil spills
sex as a mortally dangerous act
doctor's pills giving new ills
getting buried by an avalanche of bills
everyone hates everyone
rapists in the pool
kids packin guns
ulcerated ozone
skin cancer
the massive mess we're in
sex selling everything
holding back tears
perfection always denied
thunderheads of judgement
giving up one's child at her birth
uranium mining
tearing down landmarks
paving over parks
ripping off Indian land
short sighted businessmen
nothing lasts for long
rape of a child
drinking at home with the TV on
dark cafe days
sniping steadily
snubbing snidely
the loss of our dreams' grandeur
the great sadness of our human consciousness of time

Well yesterday, on a long car trip, I listened again. And again. There is
greatness here. Still a lot of sadness (and anger), but great poetry and
music. And the choices seem mostly right, given the times we're living

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