--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Someone wrote yesterday
(sorry I cannot not recall
> who it was) that Joni is 
> unable to play guitar any more.  I have not heard
> this so was wondering if 
> anyone else knew anything  about it.  I can see how
> painting might require a 
> different amount of fine motor dexterity than guitar
> ( I think) so she can 
> still do that. The original writer had pondered
> that.  I am curious about 
> this. 

I haven't heard that she's not able; just that she's
having some difficulty due to post-polio syndrome. I
think the problem may be more with the left hand than
the right, which might explain why she uses different
tunings for every song and with the VG8 she just has
it programmed to sound like these tunings without
having to retune every time. If you use the open
tunings, usually you only have to hold down one or two
fingers of the left hand on the strings, or else bar
across the whole thing or just the top few strings,
depending on what chord she's playing. She doesn't
hold down a lot of full bars, at least not one right
after the other, so I guess that doesn't strain the
left hand as much as it could (maybe her guitar is
strung at a low tension too so she doesn't have to
press to hard?)

This makes sense if she's right-handed and I presume
she is. I think her right hand is fine. So she can
paint and do all her interesting right-hand fingering
on the guitar.

If she's a lefty, my theory is blown to hell, but I
don't believe she is - I remember in the PWMAM video
that she held the pallet in her left hand and painted
with the right.


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