Hi Lori,

I am glad I checked your mail first, because I had just started a post using that same 
Dreamer" connection! Great minds ....

It's funny what the subconcious knows, all week at work I had "Starting Over" playing 
in my head. 
Then I realized the anniversary was coming up this week.  

It had been my dream to see all of the Beatles in concet individually or as a group.  
especially John.  Now,I am not psychic - but eerily one week before the tradgedy I had 
a dream
about John.  I was trying to get into a theater and the doors were chaind shut.  And I 
hearing these voices saying "You're too late" over and over again.  But I was 
determnined and
somehow got in.  Of course it was to see John Lennon.  I sat in an aisle seat about 20 
rows back. 
John was on stage singing "Imagine."  Dressed all in white sitting at a big white 
piano. Suddenly
on a laser beam he shot out to me and bent over and kissed me gently.  Sufffice to say 
with or
without the dream I was pretty crazed when he was murdered.  I have goosebumps just 
writing this
all over again.  

And yes you may say I'm a dreamer ... but I'm not the only one. 


NP: Shawn Colvin/Killing the Blues

--- Lori Fye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thinking of and missing that Impossible Dreamer, John Lennon ...
> Lori
> ~
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