hey all-

so some of you know that i'm learning to run the soundboard at the Ark, an acoustic-oriented venue in Ann Arbor.
and if you read my last post you know i'm really into lynn miles recently.

well tonight i ran my first solo show at the ark, and lynn miles played.
she was totally amazing! i loved the show.
so much so that i contemplated going to her next show tomorrow, in grand rapids.
but it is really too far for me to justify -
she isn't Tori, after all! nor joni for that matter, but speaking of joni -

after soundcheck, lynn sat at the piano - which she wasn't expecting to have at the show -
(it was in her old rider, who knew that her rider had changed! that's what she sent us),
and played a whole bunch of songs.
including a beautiful rendition of 'River'. (<----- JC!)
it was great - i just sat at the soundboard and listened...
she forgot the lyrics "he tried hard to help me, he put me at ease"
and so after she fumbled with the first line, i chimed in and sang "he put me at ease",
and she stopped and we spent a minute trying to remember the "he tried hard to help me" line.
and then she continued the song to the end.

i was flipping out - i thought she might play it during the show and
my greedy little mind was thinking that the resident Ark taper-dude, jeff,
was probably going to tape the show on his trusty DAT, and then i would have a cover to contribute to our collection!

a) jeff didn't bring his taping equipment
b) she didn't play River for the show anyhow.

but i sat in a big room all by myself and hear lynn miles sing 'River'.
i love working sound at the Ark.


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