I meant to send this out before I went to Vancouver for Thanksgiving, but I 
didn't have a chance until now. I did call Passim before I left and made a 
reservation for 5 so far, because that was the limit you could make without 
prepaying. ALL Boston-area JMDLers are *required* to attend this mini-fest, 
and all those that would like to fly/drive/taxi/train in as well. The Ashara 
abode is available for an overnight. Please let me know as soon as possible 
if you are attending, as I really need to let them know how many are coming. 
If it's over 6, we need to pre-pay. The club is very small, and gets sold out 

Monday, January 6th, 2003 - 8PM
Joni Mitchell Tribute Show
Club Passim
47 Palmer Street
Cambridge, MA
For tickets call 617-492-7679.

Here is an incomplete list of what songs are being done by the perspective 
artist...ALSO it looks as though Diane Zeigler will be coming on 

>Carl Cacho - Help Me
>Rob Siegel - Both Sides Now
>Ari - Blue
>Flora Reed - River
>Joel Ninesling - Little Green
>Deb Talan - Amelia
>Steph Corby - People's Parties
>Oen Kennedy - Black Crow
>Marc Herman - Borderline
>David Goldfinger - Urge For Going
>Hanneke Cassel - Morning Morgantown
>Susan Levine -
>Bridget Matros - Cactus Tree
>Dave Dersham - Cold Blue Steel And Sweet Fire
>Chris O'Brien -
>Michael Troy -
>Rob Laurens - Slouching Toward Bethlehem
>Meg Hutchinson -
>Anne Heaton - For Free
>Stephen Kellogg - Raised on Robbery
>Gregpry Douglass - Court And Spark
>Tim Gearan -
>Christopher Williams - A Case Of You
>Mark Erelli - Carey
>Chris & Meredith Thompson - Big Yellow Taxi
>Merrie Amsterberg - Woodstock

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