In a message dated 10/12/2002 12:46:04 GMT Standard Time, 

<<  I think you have to be careful , though, in how you phrase your 
criticism. Some of us really love the arrangements (count me in) and love 
Joni's passionate (if not always perfect) performances of these songs. So 
when you write, in reference to the new HEJIRA, "desecrated by the 
arrangements and rendered pitiful by the weakness of the singing," you're 
asking for trouble, pal!

;-) >>

I see your point, Michael, and I accept the collegial spirit in which it is 
given.  However, there is a serious point, sort of, which is that I am 
absolutely not criticising anyone who likes this album.  I'm saying I dislike 
it, and yes, I am saying so in strong terms.  We're all adults here, and I 
would hope that we can hear criticism of records we like without feeling 
attacked ourselves - and this has indeed been the reaction of nearly everyone 
who has replied to my original post.  If they think I've taken leave of my 
senses, they have not felt the need to say so, and that's as it ought to be.  
I didn't like it when a few listers put the boot into Matthews Southern 
Comfort's version of Woodstock, which I love and which was the first Joni 
song I can remember hearing.  After getting a bit huffy for a moment I 
realised that it doesn't matter.

<< It's funny, I don't love every minute of T'LOG, but I think that this 
perfection. I find the orchestration sweeping and succulent and full of 
and Joni's singing is riding the wave. >>

Are you crazy, man?  You must have taken leave of your senses!!


Azeem in London

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