Back in 1998 I shared with the JMDL how my favorite of all cats, Tac,
died & how a new young stray showed up immediately afterwards.
A solid black feral male, I named him Fang for his white teeth smiling up
at me when I fed him.
Last Thursday Fang became extremely sick, throwing up foam with a 106
The vet injected him with antibiotics & rehydrated him with 150cc of
Two days later (this morning) the vet had to do the same thing, as Fang
still had a temp of 103. (100 is normal for a cat.)
Fang appears to have been poisoned by a neighbor who doesn't appreciate
feral cats roaming in the neighborhood.
I must confess, I refuse to put a collar on a cat, knowing how very easy
it is for them to hang themselves.
While I have Fang vaccinated every year, apparently one of my neighbors
felt him so much a threat that he/she/it POISONED Fang, either because he
doesn't wear a collar, or else because he is a black cat (on this Friday
the 13th).....
Needless to say I feel like searching my neighbor's yards for poison
right now.
I just hope Fang pulls through. I have never seen a sicker cat in my
life! He's been in the basement for 4 days!
This is even worse than Joni's Man From Mars!
Which reminds me:
Has Joni's stolen painting of her missing cat ever been recovered???

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