> Well, in order to keep balance in the universe, I brought my copy out
again - 
> But now I've got it in the player beside my bed, to listen to as I drift
> Worked pretty well last night.

Yes....it does work well for that.  And I've realized this weekend, that
despite having a mixed reaction to Travelogue, it has only served to make
me admire Joni's voice and songs even more, particularly when I go back and
listen to the original versions of some of the songs on Travelogue, like
"Just Like This Train" for example.  I hear them differently than I did
before...they sound fresher somehow.  I'm not sure whether that stems from
a like or a dislike for these new versions or perhaps some combination of
both or maybe its all on some subconscious level.  But in any case they
just seem that much more beautiful now.  

Whether I am a "true admirer" or not I don't care.  All I know is what I
love listening to.  I've been playing Court and Spark alot this weekend and
it feels remarkably fresh for some reason.  Her voice sounds so beautiful
and was what drew me in to this music to begin with.  Does that mean I'm
some kind of "purist"?  No, not at all.  If Travelogue serves to foster a
deeper love for music that I already love to start with then I am grateful
for it.  As far as I'm concerned, Blue, For the Roses, and Court and Spark
cannot be loved enough and that continue to seem so fresh and vibrant only
goes to show just what incredible albums they are.  Listening to them does
not mean going back to the past but on the contrary, shows just how
timeless they are.  Most of the Stevie Wonder I listen to is early
seventies.  I certainly don't admire him any less, simply because I don't
listen to his 80's material.  Debating over who loves Joni the most rings
too much of fundamentalist Christianity, dictating who is going to heaven
and who will burn in hell.

Just listen to whatever music takes you to that special place and remember
there is no inner circle of Joni admirers.  There's simply a cd player and
cd's that you put in the player.

Victor in Asheville

NP: JOni "Just Like This Train"

--- Victor Johnson
Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson

Look for the new album "Parsonage Lane" in March 2003
Produced by Chris Rosser at Hollow Reed Studios

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