Hey Will,

Thanks for your post, I am glad again that we are getting to be more on the same page 
as far as

I hope posting with witt and banter will soon be less weighted for both of us and 
between us.  It
does take time and trust.

--- William Chavez wrote: 
> No Susan, since our recent "tiff" I've actually noticed that you are one of the ones 
>with the
biggest sense of humor on this list. I really mean that. 
> It is just difficult to match up things said with a face until there is a 
>discrepancy that makes
you stand out. This is a fortunate and unfortunate thing but usually ends up positive 
on this
list. I don't know that I had tied you in with many of the funny things written here 
until we had
our recent tiff. "Susan Guzzi" is now more like a real person and I see that you now 
some of the
people here quite well by the way you joke with them.

No doubt most knew and will take it that way.  But of course I had to jump on it just 
for fun ...
and to scare people into thinking we would get into it again!! LOL!  Although in all 
seriousness I
did not think we would.

> Whenever you post my brain clicks with "Oh, I kind of know this person-at least a 
>little". My
comment was just a note on things said for the sake of humor and how I hope everybody 
takes it
that way. 

I think it was a jab - but playful, as was my response.  No harm no foul.

After I sent that I did think to myself, "If Susan(and a maybe a few others) reads 
this, she might
think it's a jab at her". It's not! 

Oh I beg to differ, I read your posts and knew exactly who you were.  By the way any 
relation to
the late great Caesar Chavez and more importantly - can we eat grapes yet?!  Lettuce?  
LOL!  God I
hope you are old enough to remember this!
Sorry about that bump and I didn't hit you with a stick that was my purse!

> Until recently, you probably didn't make much note about much of what I have written 
>here but
believe me you have not been the first person to clunk me over the head with the 
biggest stick you
could find. The bump on my head is gone now and so your presumption that our tiff is 
over is
correct :). 

I hear you brother.  I always end with peace, as well.  And I mean it in so many more 
ways than
the obvious.
I think we often think of arguing in a negative way because of yellng or bickering 
growing up. 
But when i say arguing it is debating or striving for an understanding.  I truly am 
with confrontaion. But I feel safe here in this forum taking a stand or expressing 

I said "Peace, Will" and I meant it and you said "Peace Susan" and it sounded as if 
> you meant it as well. As Kate mentioned (I think it was Kate), the arguing 
> just leads to better understanding. I just hate the arguing part despite how 
>important it may be
for the sake of really living.

I believe most of us do the same Will. But again, as time goes on I have felt better 
and safer
that I will be heard or understood.  And that takes effort on everybody's part, which 
I truly
appreciate.  I think the subconcious eventualy relaxes, I know it took me quite 
awhile, but then
that had to do with many other factors for me personally.

> I will add that at this point, whenever I post, I find myself trying to guess what 
people will think, whether they respond with something or not. Trying to calculate 
responses. Of
course this is usually after I've pressed the send button. Often too late. I'm sure 
this affects
what I write at least at a subconscious level. True for anyone else?

Oh geez why'd you go and do that!?  LOL!  I look nothing like those pictures - soooo 
much cuter in
person!  LOL again!  Yeah, Kate is much more Emmy Lou and Bob is much more Bobby De 
Niro.  And yes
you are right about the Budweiser.  

> A few days ago I actually went through most of the pictures of the Jonifest to try 
>and get a
better feel for certain people by appearance. Not that this is very accurate but...and 
found that
a lot of people that continuously write here were missing. I also found that a few 
people did not
look at all the way I envisioned them. I had envisioned Kate looking like Joan Baez 
for some
reason(her short hair cut period) and Bob(SCJoni...) as Jerry Garcia with a Budweiser. 
Wrong on
both counts. Well, I think I'm right about the Budweiser part. I hope they don't take 
that the
wrong way. I'm sure I'll hear about it if they do.

Nice talking to you, take care all!


NP: Joni/Clouds/That Song About the Midway
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