Hello Everyone!!

Well..I can't believe it is this time already?? Another year...all I believe accounted for.

For the new people and to refresh the old members: Every year it is a tradition in my blood family at Christmas to have a trivia question on Christmas Eve. On a piece of paper as the guests are arriving they write their answer down to the trivia question. At the end of the night a prize is given to the person who answered correctly.

So I want to extend this to my on line family...my Joni family!! :-)

Where: JMDL time: 9PM sharp December 18..this Wednesday.

I am announcing this ahead of time because last year a few people said I should have given a heads up. And yes..if you won last year you can win this year!!

This year there will be two winners. Whoever answers the question first wins the top prize. Then there is a runner up prize. Unlike last year.. there WILL NOT be five prizes given. (Because Santa just got back from Vegas and lost her arse!)

Prizes: Top dog: A gift certificate from Gift Certificates.com, A box of Esther Price candy. AND...and..a tray of my world-famous Buckeyes. Runner up: A tray of my Buckeyes. (I made 1206 last year...this year I'm shooting for 1222) (for those of you who do not know, Buckeyes are candy..peanut butter concoction..hand-dipped in chocolate) (it is quite a production! My kitchen is turned into a veritable candy factory. And I love it!! )

PS. I will ship to anywhere in this Joniworld.

SOOOOO... I hope many of you will give it a shot..this Wednesday...9PM sharp!

Love to all..


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