     Thanks to Walt's post on the Joni Xmas lp, I dug up the 
lyrics behind the song: 'That Bitch Carly Simon Stole My Man', or

The Last Time I Saw Carly

Last time I saw Carly was with James in '72 and she told me
All blonde singer/songwriters meet the same fate someday
Cynical and drunk and smoking in some dark cafi
You laugh, she says to me, you think you're so cute
Go paint your eyes, and have a toot
Go smell your roses, get some kisses from horny guy who tells you
All those clichi lines
Horny guys 
When you gonna realize they're only horny guys?
Just horny guys 
Horny guys

I pushed her head into the Wurlitzer
Then I pushed her again and the thing began to whir
Then a barmaid came by and looked at Carly on the floor and told me,
"Clean that mess up now, it's getting' on time to close"
Carly, you haven't really changed, I said
It's just that now you've got some pain that's in your head
You've got tears in your eyes but the songs you punched are dreamy, honey.
Listen, you don't sing that sweet
Sing that sweet
When you gonna get yourself back on your feet?
Just clench those teeth, (you raccoon-eyed fright-wigged mama)
Just clench those teeth

James and Carly got married; I hate her
Then he bought her a dishwasher and eventually left her 
And I sit at home now most nights playing pool
With all the houselights left on all night
I'm gonna tune that damn bitch out
I've got nothing to talk to those Taylors about
All good singers pass this way someday
Hiding behind pool sticks in dark cafis
This pool craze
Only a phase before I get my gorgeous wings and fly away
Only a phase
These dark pool cue days

Joni, I love you; Carly, I love you too...
It's just a parody...


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