Hope everyone on the West Coast (of North America) is keeping safe and high
and dry.  We just had a whopper and several more massive ones are rolling
in. The satellite pics look like giant cold hurricanes.  It was *snowing*
outside my 30th floor window the other day!  (But it melts on the way down).
A co-worker from Wisconsin got so excited she phoned her grandmother back
home!  The snow on the local mountains is incredible and they are predicting
snow at the 1000 ft. elevations with the one coming tomorrow. Maybe we'll go
skiing in the Hollywood Hills.  I saw the following on another list and it
made me think of Eric's "California Smoking Crusader" comments the other day

"Californians are the most screwed up people in the world.

How the Typical Californian responds to...

Mudslides, Hey no problem
Earthquakes, No Big deal
Smog, The more the merrier
Police Chases, Cool there is someone on TV
Drive by shootings, Whoopie doo.
Power outages - Oh well what can you do

Tobacco - Oooh, oooh a cigarette!! Oh my god,

Kakki, going to look for her hot toddy mixes

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