Travelogue is progressive on at least two levels. First of all, an album in this 
format has never been recorded before: an artist who takes songs she has written over 
a four decade period, pooling them together on one recording and refurbishing them 
with a complete symphony orchestra. There have been retrospectives, but none like 
this, and few by the artist herself. Second of all, it's progressive in the sense that 
Joni herself has never done this before. So, in the larger spectrum of album releases, 
it's new in terms of its format and presentation, and on the level of the individual 
artist (Joni) it's new for the same reasons. 

Simply because she hears 40s and 50s music in her head and admires that era more than 
what is being produced today does not make what she's doing retrograde. She's taking 
modern songs with modern sentiments, sentiments that are in fact timeless, and 
situating them in a grand context that is reminiscent of a time gone by. Would be more 
modern if she used Bjork-esque instrumentation and had an image of her on the cover 
with five rings in her nose and a buzz cut? 

Dare I say that what Joni has done with Travelogue it's post modern expressionism? A 
fusion of past with present. It's quite progressive, I think.

Also, to address Victor's laments, I think there are many Joni fans who never fully 
got over the 70s. I don't know if there are any on this list, but they do exist. Some 
have abandoned Joni long ago. Not that it makes them less of a fan - they may still 
love to play Ladies of the Canyon on repeat every day - but they are ignoring the 
evolution of the artist, which I suppose is their right. I don't think John was saying 
that if you don't like Travelogue you must hate her newer work, but I've seen several 
comments on the list that indicate her voice just doesn't come up to the way it once 
was for people and that the musical direction she's taking now pales in comparison to 
the innovation she demonstrated when she was younger. John didn't just pull that out 
of his hat - it exists and I've heard it many times before. "Joni's not as good now as 
she used to be. Joni's voice isn't as nice as it once was. Travelogue isn't as good 
as, whatever..." There are people who wish it had nev!
er been made. 

People will love Travelogue and people will hate it. People will see merit in it and 
people will think it's rehash. All I know is that it's still very new and we're 
obviously still grappling with what it means in the bigger picture of Joni's career 
and in the bigger specturm of music. Time will tell how it will be remembered and how 
Joni herself will be remembered. 

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