KATE wrote:

"The Crone is the ancient holy one. She is grandmother, witch and hag. She
  has been ignored, trivialized, blamed and feared, for she holds powers that
  others deny."

Yes! The crone is especially reviled in our "youth is all" North American
culture. Bring on the Botox; get thee to a plastic surgeon; Cher and Cher

Utter rot.

Our Joni has always acted her age, and continues to do so. She writes songs
for adults. As I movea through middle age (I just turned 46), I find great 
solace in her later work.

Dylan is more powerful in our culture than ever. He is "allowed" to be 
an elder statesman; in fact, he's applauded for his wealth of experience,
his wisdom, his expertise. 

But Joni? Oh, she can't sing anymore; she's crabby; she's looking 
rather haggard.

In other words, she's a CRONE. Run for cover!

I'm not articulating this very well, I know. Never mind!


MICHAEL in Toronto

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