My own opinion, Colin, is that we're already in deep shit and that the war (Islam versus the West) began in the 80s with the first suicide attacks in Lebanon, and the rise of the Moslem Brotherhood, and it has just taken a while to make itself felt around the world. I also believe it'll get worse whether US-UK attacks Saddam or not, but probably won't be so bad if he's deposed, because then at least there's a chance that Iraq will develop into a democratic Arab nation, and that others will be inspired and will also try to liberalise (e.g. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria, Jordan, Libya). It will take decades, but getting rid of Saddam could kickstart it.

I think the military plan is to destroy infrastructure, not people, and to invade Baghdad within days (within 2 days, they're saying) of the war beginning. And then I think the assumption and hope is that the Iraqi people will joyfully surrender, and Saddam and his clansmen will flee the country, probably to Libya. Gadaffi has already said he'll give Saddam's family sanctuary.

People say this will make America hated even more within the Arab world, but I don't agree. Saddam is loathed almost universally. He has no support among Islamists, and very little elsewhere - some support in Jordan, some in Palestine, but really it is minimal. People know what he's like.


Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 23:26:32 +0000
From: colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 'prepare' njc

I ahev no objection to Saddam himself being killed. i think it is okay
to kill a person if by doing so one saves the lives of many others.
HOWEVER< i don't think that is what is going to haopen here. i think
many people will be killed and that this war will spread all over the
world. I think we are in deep shit in other words.

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