Current events got you down? Your portfolio withered away to naught? Pacing 
the floor waiting for Joni to write a new song?

Don't worry about any of that crap! Make your resolution to be more like ME, 
an oblivious idiot who entertains himself by compiling Joni covers. And what 
better way to start than with this month's compilation, the first of this new 
year, Volume 36 in the ongoing series. A virtual world tour of artists and 
pseudo-artists who, like us, love Joni and feel thereby compelled to sprint 
to a recording studio and document their talents or lack thereof for all 
mankind to behold.

Herein is the table of contents for Volume 36...but first I fall prostrate 
and declare myself not worthy to the following contributors:

Leslie Mixon
Steve Klink
Live Maria Roggen
Monica Cardinale
Deb Messling

1. The Albion Band - Big Yellow Taxi: Like Fairport Convention, The Albion 
Band was formed by Ashley Hutchings, I have to admit that I have a hard time 
keeping track of all the permutations and combinations of these Fairport 
people. But this cover is a nice live peppy version, even includes a spoken 
intro declaring the song's universal relevance.
2. Gloria Loring - Chelsea Morning: A 45-only release from the late 60's, way 
before Gloria became a "Days Of Our Lives" star or a spokesperson for 
juvenile diabetes. Speaking of TV, Gloria also wrote the theme songs for 
"Diff'rent Strokes" and "The Facts of Life"!
3. Howard Keel - Both Sides Now: Speaking of TV stars, up steps one of the 
stars of Dallas to croon the franchise. Of course Howard was a star of 
Broadway way first introduction to him was as the star of Show 
4. The Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain - A Case of You: Probably 
appropriate, since one of Joni's first instruments was the uke. If you like 
an arrogant female Rex Harrison speak-singing over a sea of strummed & 
plucked ukeleles, then this one's for you! These guys play all the time in 
the UK, so if you're so inclined go catch a gig.
5. Mia & The Steve Klink Trio - Little Green: Steve of course released a 
full-length Joni tribute CD this year, but this lovely lovely track was from 
wife Mia Znidaric's solo cd released earlier. Did I say that this is really 
lovely? And a special nod to Steve for sending the CD to me gratis! (Of 
course I DID buy 20 of his cd's...)
6. Marlon Cherry - Dreamland: Fellow Carolinian (Marlon's from Charlotte, NC) 
Marlon Cherry turns in an outstanding take on Dreamland, going extra-heavy on 
the percussion & bass, thus restoring the rhythm that Roger McGuinn sucked 
out with his cover oh so many volumes ago.
7. Glenn Miller Band - Both Sides Now: Glenn loved this song so much he arose 
from the dead to play once more with his big band. No, not really...I made 
that part up. Benny Goodman's version blows this one out of the water, this 
one sounds too much like a marching band.
8. Julien Fleisher - The Dry Cleaner From Des Moines: Wow...if you think Dry 
Cleaner is a tough song to tackle anyway, try doing it at the breakneck pace 
that Julien does it, he knocks the thing out in a minute and a half! And this 
band is tight!
9. Tommy Banks Big Band - Big Yellow Taxi: Canadian Tommy Banks (who had 
previously recorded some other covers as half of the duo Tom & Judy) here 
leads a great-sounding big band through a rollicking taxi take, lots of nice 
solos and they really swing it. Even if you're tired of the song, you'll love 
this cut.
10. Live Maria Roggen & Lars Andreas Haug - Woodstock: So who woulda thunk 
that a jazz vocal & TUBA would sound so cool? But it does, this one is unique 
and awesome. Even more so because the Norwegian songstress donated her CD to 
the cause.
11. The Red Birds - Both Sides Now: The world tour continues as we journey 
onwards to the land of sushi & karaoke...The Red Birds were a Japanese pop 
group, unfortunately their take on the franchise is no great shakes.
12. Margo Hennebach - Song To A Seagull: Tucked away as a hidden track and 
referred to as "Fly Silly Seabird", Margo's crystal-clear voice rings through 
a fine acapella solo version of STAS.
13. Phil Allen - Woodstock: Phil's lovely organ is on display here for all to 
enjoy. Oh wait, that doesn't sound quite right...anyway, Phil plays a funky 
organ instrumental version of the Mathews Southern Comfort arrangement of 
Woodstock, with some dandy pedal steel thrown in for good measure. Everyone 
sing along!
14. Rodney Scott - (You're So Square) Baby, I Don't Care: An Elvis wannabe 
(and really, aren't we all?), Rodney cranks this one out in fine rockabilly 
fashion, makes me want to put a nickel in the jukebox and spin some chick in 
a cashmere sweater & a poodle skirt!
15. Allan Capson - Both Sides Now: Sort of a cross between Oliver & Elmer 
Fudd. Allan, a Canadian balladeer that hopefully found another line of work, 
proves that BSN is not a totally easy song to sing if one has only a one 
octave range.
16. Sylvia - Marcie: Not to be confused with Marcie's version of 
"Sylvia"...Sylvia's a country singer from America's heartland (Kokomo, 
Indiana) who's been on the scene since 1984. A very pretty take on a VERY 
beautiful song. You can even hear a sample at:
<A HREF="";></A>
17. Mary Ellen Wessels - I Don't Know Where I Stand: I love the start of this 
one...the piano arrangement reminds me of something Professor Roy Bittan 
would do. Unfortunately Mary Ellen's wavering vocal, along with her 
determination to o-ver-e-nun-ci-ate, makes this one less than it could be. 
Plus her last name looks too much like "weasel", but she can't really help 
18. Steve Fisk - Woodstock: OHMIGOD! This is the kind of Joni cover that I 
live for! Throw Devo, Kraftwerk, Gary Numan, and some Trippy Eurotechno 
spices into the pot and stir it up! Hard to describe. Features a sampling of 
Max Yasgur Chanting "I'm A Farmer" as well as a techno-take fadeout ending of 
Sly Stone's "Want To Take You Higher". Those of you in the great Pacific 
Northwest may know Steve as a producer of some of that scene's biggest acts, 
including Nirvana, Soundgarden, ans Screaming Trees.
19. Morty Lewis - Both Sides Now: Or I should say "Morty Lewis & his Galaxy 
Sax"...still doesn't ring a bell? Well, that just means you haven't been 
frequenting the Holiday Inn lounges enough! This one's actually cheesy enough 
to be fun and make you want to do the watusi or the swim or something. And 
ironically, by the time Morty finally cuts loose with his moose-calling, the 
record fades away, as I'm sure Morty has since done as well.
20. Ulf Lundell - Vin Till Frukost: A nice Sting-like version of "Chelsea 
Morning"...I'm not sure what the translation means, but I'm thinking it's 
something like "Drink wine until you taste fructose" and I have no idea how 
that connects with Chelsea Morning, so I'm just going to go back to 

So there you go, 20 tracks, 20 more should-have-been hits. Blame it on those 
restrictive radio playlists. Some fine day I'm gonna win that damn powerball, 
buy a radio station, and play nothin' but Joni covers all day!

But until that day, the only way you can hear this compilation is to send me 
a blank & postage, or at least a couple bucks to cover the costs of media, 
mailing, and the nice full-cover label which this month features Joan as the 
object of affection in a heart.

Euro-jmdler's who want a copy can contact my partner in cover-crime John van 
Tiel and he can hook you up. 


NP: Gloria Loring, "Chelsea Morning"

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