colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>well, i fianlly gave in and went to the otpician.I just cannot see up 
>close anymore. I also can't see in the distance with out my 
>glasses(proof, as if you needed it, that i really am a wanker).
>so, whcih do i get-the varifocals or bifocals? I am unlikely to wear 
>these away from home-i only need them for my pc and knitting and sewing.
>I take off my glasses for reading in bed.
>I am sure there are others out there who use them so would appreciate 
>your experiences.

I gave in a year or so ago when my arms got too short to read. Got 
progressive/varifocals and haven't looked back since, so to speak. Some folks 
don't like them, but any decent optician will give you a 30-day exchange 

Took a little getting used to, noticed that instead of turning my eyes I had 
to turn my head (otherwise you're looking through wrong part of lens). The 
only time it bugs me is when driving (but only slightly, doesn't impair 
driving safety) because as you move things are constantly shifting from one 
zone to the next as you get closer.

All in all, I dig them, and no telltale dividing lines.

Good luck.


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