OK, I must jump in.  For those of you who don't "get" the Grateful Dead,
please go buy my brother's book, _A Long Strange Trip: The Inside
History of the Grateful Dead_ by Dennis McNally (I might have bungled
the latter part of the title).  He was the band's publicist, came to
them as a deadhead, and also has a PhD in cultural history.  Chuck E.
will back me up on this - once you read it, you'll "get" it.

Now for the sisterly promotional thing:  If you want to buy one of the
few hardbound volumes left and want it autographed (it will be a
collector's item, I'm sure!) call 800 499 3998,  and say you want the
book and you want it 
personalized -- they'll take a credit card # and take down the info.

Think I'll sign this one: Dennis' sister Maggie

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 5:47 PM
> Subject: Re: EXecution of anti Travoloers (njc)
> Please don't get me started on the Grateful Dead! (now known 
> as "The Other 
> Ones")
> I work at the MCI Center in Washington, DC and had the pleasure of 
> encountering the "Dead Heads" while working the concert. On 
> the whole, they 
> were very nice people, but I haven't been around that much 
> marijuana since 
> high school! And I've never been around so much nitrous 
> oxide! Every employee 
> at MCI had the contact of a lifetime! Not caring for anything 
> mind altering, 
> it was hard to accept the fact that I and my cohorts were 
> seriously "high." I 
> told my daughter of the event and she laughed on the phone 
> hysterically!
> Musically, however, I did hear some things that I really did 
> like. There was 
> some very good music playing when I had a chance to listen. I 
> just don't get 
> the devoted following though. People came with one dog and 
> left with another. 
> The only thing I did not like was the dogs running loose in 
> the streets of DC 
> with leashes trailing behind them. Thank goodness there were 
> only a few. We 
> had people trying to bring full size kegs into the building! 
> If someone 
> understands the "Dead Head" philosophy, please let me know. I 
> prefer not to 
> judge, but rather take a "live and let live" approach to the 
> whole thing. I 
> don't think I want to participate in another concert event though!
> Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 14:35:28 -0500
> From: "William Chavez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Execution of anti-Travelogers?(njc)
> I guess you must have stated your dislike for the Greatful 
> Dead before I 
> came on the list because I don't remember reading that little 
> tid bit of 
> information. I'm not big on the Dead either and have never 
> figured out the 
> attraction. Jerry Garcia is kind of cool looking though(after 
> the grey came 
> in, his early photos with the black hair are pretty scary.)

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