This talk reminds me of a poem by MY FAVORITE POET, Stevie Smith.
It's called "Thoughts on the Christian Doctrine of Eternal Hell",
and here it is:

Isn't it interesting to see
how the Christians continually
try to seperate themselves, in vain,
from the Doctrine of Eternal Pain.
They cannot do it,
They are commited to it.
Their God said it,
They must believe it.
And so, the vulnurable soul is stretched
without pity,
over flames, forever!
Is this not pretty?
The religion of Christianity 
is mixed of sweetness and cruelty.
Oh, reject this sweetness,
For she wears a smoky gown of Hell fire.
Who makes a God?
Who shows him thus?
'Tis the Christian religion does.
This God the Christians show-
Out with him,
Out with him,
Let him go!

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