hi all!  i have to admit to not reading much of the list these days...i scroll through
pretty quickly.  BUT i did see that someone (bob?) mentioned "defending your
life" by albert brooks--and i had to jump in to say that this movie is amazing.  i
truly count it as one of my favorite films ever--

it's one of those works of art (like woody allen's stuff, or louis armstrong's) that
reaches the realm of serious thinking via joy, laughter and comedy.  too often
we (in my opinion) value tragedy/drama/etc over comedy/funniness/joy in terms of
what is "serious" or "worthy" or "gets at the important issues."

but "defending your life" gets right to the important "issues" (gross word), like
love, fear, change, death, relationships...and does it by being hilarious and
tender and joking.  i love love love this movie.  i am inspired every time i see it!

written using only 5 % or so of my brain
(as per "defending your life"),
but now with a completed and defended (yay!) dissertation,
and a daughter due to arrive in less than 3 months (!!),

emily in chicago 

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