Sarah, thanks for your post.

> So, I am an atheist, but it does leave me alone in the universe, with 
> an awful lot of questions, and a big gap in morality where god used 
> to explain things.

It's funny but I believe there is a spiritual world that is just as real as
the physical realm and that there is a creator.  Yet ultimately, I am still
alone in the universe, have an awful lot of questions, and for me, God does
not explain things but only further deepens the mystery.  I know that
people do turn to religion for comfort but for me it has always been more
of an eternal journey, always seeking something that is seemingly within my
grasp but is ever so elusive.  So perhaps we are not so far apart.  

> I feel a terrible sadness when I see animals lying by the side of the 
> road, dead or dying, having been hit by a car, and no-one cares about 
> them. No human, and no other animal, cares about them.  They are 
> utterly and profoundly alone in this universe, left without any 
> regard even in their worst moment - the ending of their I - no-one 
> stops to help them, no-one prays for them, no-one thinks to sit 
> beside them as they die.  There is an aloneness in there that I find 
> almost heart-stopping.

I feel this way too when I see these animals, far too often.  A couple of
years ago, my dog Andy was hit by a car and died on the way to the vet.  I
felt an immense sadness yet an incredible feeling of warmth, a strong sense
of his presence.  Afterwards I realized earlier in the day I had been
warned by a bird that this was going to happen (sounds strange I know but I
swear its true.)  I found this comforting in a strange sort of
way...telling me that it was just part of the natural order of things, that
it was okay.

Ever since then when I have seen these animals I realize that it is just
their body lying there and that they no longer feel any pain.  Its nothing
I can explain but only what I have experienced and feel. But then there is
much in this world that we can not explain but can only wonder at.

I wrote this song while riding in a bus in central Mexico.

Rainbow (c)1991

Rainbow, pretty rainbow
Why do you grace the sky
When you know beneath your colors
So many broken people lie
As I ride to Uruapan, a hundred sunsets in my bag
I think of friends who left long ago
To fight for colored rags
Between stony mountains faces 
Bearing down on me 
We ride like lost children
Thinking we are free
But though rain falls from heaven
And rainbows make us smile
We cannot drink the water
Nor can we save the dying child

La la la la, La la la la, LA la la
La la la, La la la la la
La la la la, La la la la, LA la la
La la la, La la la la la

Once upon a time I was a prince in disguise
But you pressed my rags closed to you
And held me in your eyes
As the passing of years
Crumbled mountains to the ground
We laughed and we smiled at the love we had found
You stood on the shore
Looking for stones as if you could 
Walk on the water and carry me home
But the waves were too high
They melted the sand
Like two birds on the wing
We ran, we ran


Though we ran far from home
We could not hide
The buildings around us
They crumbled inside
And as the water carried us away
We wondered why rainbows 
Don't shine every day
The water it carried us down strange avenues
Pass dead dogs in the street
And rainy day blues
And I thought of a girl I'd known long ago
How she couldn't teach me
What I didn't know

How I stood in the rain
Wanting to play
A song or two to brighten her day
As children with rifles 
Were sent off to fight
Thunder and lightning 
Graced the night


--- Victor Johnson

Look for the new album "Parsonage Lane" in March 2003
Produced by Chris Rosser at Hollow Reed Studios

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