Well, I guess now that Joan has hinted around about her niece, it's okay to
tell the tale.

I'm her long-lost, older brother, James Anderson.  When our parents met,
they didn't have much of an income so when I came along, well, they had to
find safe shelter for me until they were able to support a family.  I
suppose that my sister Joan, (Joni to all of you), in some small way, struck
out into the world in order to "find" metaphorically what she was always
denied: her own flesh-and-blood brother.  Now that we've vowed to stay in
touch, she's become acquainted with my daughter Broom Hilda, whom I gave up
for adoption when I was an sexually active 12-year-old physics major at
Harvard, inventing semiconductors in 1952.

Whew!  What a relief to finally be able to share.

James Anderson

P.S. In the United States, the term "BS" is short for bullshit and is used
as a local expression to mean that someone is lying.

Bryan asked,
BRUSHES WITH FAME, CHAPTER IV: How'd we miss this one? We're at an opening
for Joni Mitchell's paintings, and we sashay up to the original Lady of the
Canyon and ask her to sign a copy of the art catalog to our then newborn
daughter Hannah. Joni goes, "I've got a new niece named Hannah!' Oh, the
times we've had!

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