
Yes, it was the same tour.  I didn't mention in my original post that the 
concert was at UW Madison.  It was in some sort of fieldhouse. All the big 
midwestern schools have them.  It was general admission.  We just got there 
early, but not THAT early and sat right in front, like 3rd row center. Joni 
was spitting distance.  I had a hell of a time finding out exactly when the 
concert was, the exact date, because it wasn't listed and the main website 
actually had her in Plattsburgh at the time.  Anyhow I searched and searched 
and knew I'd seen her in Madison and was pretty certain when I was in grad 
school there. It was the 70s but I have a transcript and Master's to verify 
the date and knew I hadn't dreamed it.  Plus they shot the Hejira cover there 
the next day or so.  Another reason I just LOVE that I saw that show.  Anyway 
it was February 29, 1976.  Please tell me it was leap year that year. 
Otherwise maybe it never did happen.  Maybe I don't have that Master's 
either.  Maybe my whole life is a lie.  Who cares?  It was an awesome 


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