Newbie Lucy said:

<<But he said to me. all of us, even the most powerful men are only that.
only men. Makes you want to put the kettle on doesn't it.>>

Welcome to the JMDL, Lucy! I have to say, as most of you know, I don't get 
into the political or religious discussions here, but the thought of this: 

<<On the way he was given some packets of tea by some ladies on a 
co-operative farm somewhere in Russia, to give to the world leaders, so that 
on the point of pressing the red button they would maybe stop and have a cup 
of tea first. >>

...and the above quote made me smile so much. Oh, what I would give to have 
all our world leaders have a nice leisurely cup of tea before making *any* 
decision. {sigh} Thanks, Lucy for the pleasant thought today!


P.S. Hi Dolores!

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