Oh I am finding this hard but.... here goes. this is what I bought this
year although some of it is old.

The Optimist ...Turin Breaks

New day at Midnight ....David Gray

By the Way.......Red Hot Chilli Peppers


Come away with me...Norah Jones

Spirits Colliding.... Paul Brady

Elton John greatest hits.

Not to forget stuff given to me such as Boo Hewardine, Jeb Loy Nicholls,
MTV Unplugged. and some French songs by Frances Cabrel.

My friends describe my musical tastes as "patchwork". Joni, as always
reigns supreme with it impossible for me to choose a favourite album. I
found myself appreciating Jazz through her, I began to like Bob Dylan
because of her, I spent my early teens entranced by her voice and learned
to play acoustic guitar (you can fit lots of her songs to C,G,Am if you
have no chance of anyone putting the real Joni on)...

One of my favourite tv skits ever was on French and Saunders where Ralph
McTell was in court, being prosecuted for his impossibly complicated book
"101 songs for easy guitar" and was being tried by Dawn French. Ranged as
expert witnesses were such guitar luminaries as Lemmy, Mark
King,..(?)Gilmore...  Oh loads of people (please remind me someone). They
came on, played exerpts from their songs and then were invited to play
the same song from the book...."and now WITH the book" became the
mantra..and were unable to do so.It was hilarious. All the time this was
going on Ralph stood in the dock looking smug until asked to do "Streets
of London" he played it and then was asked "and now WITH the book" and
failed miserably. It was the funniest thing and if you have never seen it
try and find someone who has it on tape........

Back to Joni and me. When Walkmans first came out I bought one (and lived
off beans on toast for a month after) I had a tape of Blue and went off
to a favourite hill to sit and submerge myself in the scenery and some
class music...

It is a lesson in restraint not to sing along isn't it? So taken was I,
with the loudness of the music in my head, I totally forgot I was
outside, on a summers day and that no-one else  could hear what I could.
My totally free-spirited rendition of Little Green cleared a pic-nic
table nearby and the cows that had been looking interestedly at me moved
away..... All happening in front of me and I had not the faintest idea
why.I just thought it a little strange... It took a couple of other
tracks before someone tapped me on the shoulder and, I removed the
headphones.  "please don't sing".

Ah well...... I have one more lovely tale to tell of music enjoyed

In 2000 I went skiing in Val Thorens with a friend ofmine. I do not ski
and had proved the point on the first day by ripping my cruciate
ligaments and so was resigned (OH BIG SHAME) to cafes and bars with views
over the best scenery in the world (possibly). I had gone back to the car
for my pain killers and decided, while I was there to relax in the
sunshine with the car doors open, the CD player on and Vaughan Williams
Lark Ascending on the go.

It was a blazingly sunny day and I sat there just away with the music...
and maybe some painrelief but who cares...its a beautiful piece of
music... As the final note ended a shadow dropped over my eyes and I
thought it was my mate back from his king of the downhill stuff... NO it
was a beautifully dressed man wearing one of those hats with a little
feather in the side. He had on wonderful lederhosen (those shorts things
in leather with braces) and was standing there with a pen and paper.

"hallow" he said in rather clipped tones. "Ve are from Austria. Voss iss
diss music pliss?" so I wrote it all down and gave him the correct way of
saying the name and helped him understand the piece and its allusion to
summer on the Sussex downs... a place you have to visit if any of you
come over to England.. and he was really happy..

I asked him why he liked it.."Oh is not for me.. is for my vife... she is
shut up for ze holl 15 minute, end I want buy it for ze long journeys"
and with that he clicked his heels and walked away..........

Music is a universal unifier isn't it!!!

All good things to all who read this and look up for along the horizon
the sky growns brighter...


Np... Moby We are all made of stars....



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