Yesterday at my writing group I mentioned Joni Mitchell to one of the members 
of the group. This woman loves poetry and is a good writer. We started 
talking about music and I asked her about Joni's writing-what she thought. 
She told me she never really listened to her but disliked the few hits she 
had. I told her about Joni's poetry and how well she wrote. She said,":You 
sound just like this friend I used to teach with. he said she was the best 
too." I told her I would copy some of her songs and she could read the lyrics 
for herself. When our break was over I went over to the table and told 
another member that we discussing Joni Mitchell and he said he had never 
heard of her! He's about 60 or so and was a professor etc etc. My personal 
experience is that most people know little or nothing about her work or 
stopped listening after Court and Spark. 

Maureen Walsh

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