These writers are oviously
serving their own agenda and I suggest they suggest they find a group suited to these kinds of needs for these kinds of discussions.they have-the other Joni list.
Unfortunately, people are human and do forget to put the NJC tag on. Annoying I am sure. Amd equally sure people do not do it deliberately.
Even those who frequently moan about the lack of the NJC tag forget to use it at times!
The Joni Only list was crreated as a result of the continual moaning about NJC posts. I think it was a good idea. What i find interesting is that some of those who moaned the most about NJC did not join the Joni Only list.
Anyway, just to reiterate, of course the NJC tag should be remmebered, it is only fair. However, people are people and fallible and mistakes happen.