
I'm serious.  Whatever happened to the statue?  And I don't want to annoy 
you, but do YOU really like Travelogue?  Sure, there are some great Joni 
songs that are pleasant enough to listen to.  But, if you had to choose, 
would you really prefer them to the original  versions?  And, if you had to 
choose the songs that were going to be on that album, done in that manner, 
would you not have chosen some other songs.  I have to admit I am perplexed 
by Joni's choices here and it kills me to hit that button on my CD forward, 
but I do it.

All this talk about Travelogue makes me want to puke too.  No matter how much 
anyone loves or hates it, there isn't anyone on the planet that will convince 
me that they don't want more original  music by Joni. Joni writing, Joni 
playing guitar and Joni singing.  And whatever happened to Joni playing 
piano?  I fully respect  Joni making Travelogue and doing whatever the f--- 
she wants to do. I LOVE her voice and know she plays a hell of a guitar.  I 
welcome anything she puts out and hope she writes some more great songs.  
There is no way in hell her well is dry. It's probably just a matter of if 
she wants to put the energy into recording them and putting up with record 
company "cesspool" shit.

Lately, I've been listening to Turbulent Indigo, which I listened to when it 
was released, but am revisiting. I am totally enthralled with "The Magdelene 
Laundries", and it's such a thrill discovering a great JM song like I did 20 
- 30 years ago.  I find myself driving to work trying to learn every word to 
sing it properly.  I haven't done that in a long time.  Most of the songs I 
know.  I believe that what I am saying is that it has been so wonderful 
discovering and loving a new song by Joni, that moves me, after 30 years, I 
can hope for more, can't I?

Or at least let me buy one of her landscape paintings?


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