> I'm serious.  Whatever happened to the statue?

As far as I know, Andrea, the statue fund exists and is still accepting 
contributions - Sarah?  That's correct, yes?  Any updates?

> And I don't want to annoy you, but do YOU really like Travelogue?

I do.  Like probably everyone else here, I would prefer some new 
material from Joni, but that doesn't diminish my enjoyment of 

> But, if you had to choose, would you really prefer them to the
> original  versions?

I like "Sex Kills" a whole lot better this time around.  Although I 
have to admit that it wasn't a favorite of mine on TI, and still 
isn't.  I know Joni had something important to say with that song, but 
it just never "did it" for me.  In any case, I do like the new version 

As for the rest of the cuts:  for me, the new arrangements stand on 
their own.  I try to avoid comparing them to the original recordings.  
I enjoy them for what they are.  They sound "fresh" to me.

> And, if you had to choose the songs that were going to be on that
> album, done in that manner, would you not have chosen some other
> songs.

Hmm ... how about "Ethiopia"?   ; )

Have we done a poll about this yet?  What songs would you have chosen?  
(Everyone, please feel free to participate.)

Regarding the comment I made to you about being so tired of the T'log 
discussion that I could puke ... hey, that was for your eyes only!   : )

But now that it's out there, yes, I've skipped most of the posts about 
T'log because:

a) I quickly tired of all the complaints about Joni's voice and the 
product itself,

b) I quickly became bored (annoyed, really) with all the "technical" 
analysis of the production and musicianship - that sort of thing 
usually strikes me as SO arrogant and pretentious,

and c) I stand by my heartfelt opinion that I'm just happy that Joni 
chooses (chose?) to continue to share her music with us, whatever form 
it takes.

Hurling aside, here I am resurrecting the T'log discussion yet again, 
and I'm sure I've just raised a few eyebrows if not hackles ... so ...

Fire away!


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