Kent Southard wrote:

When Hussein sought to invade Kuwait because they were drilling slantwise under the border, he sought our permission, and our ambassador, April Glaspie, gave it. Hussein's a thug, but he was 'our' thug, and he's never been stupid enough to threaten us.
And Bush's first response to Kuwait was he didn't care. Then Margaret Thatcher got on the phone to him and the policy shifted 180 degrees. Frankly I am tired of British prime ministers putting up our presidents to fight wars that the British Empire lost and can't fight again. I think we need a little more Spirit of 1776 and reject the authority of colonialism again.

The best part of the 1996 campaign was knowing the Clinton people had the videotape of Sen. Bob Dole acting on behalf of the Bush administration toasting Saddam Hussein at a dinner a few months before the invasion of Kuwait.

I knew as long as the Clinton campaign never ran the tape, that the race wasn't close.

Now of course will come the denials that Dole did such a thing or the spin on why he did. I am ever thankful that I don't have to live my life as an apologist for anyone but me.


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