Richard Goldman wrote:

> The newspapers are reporting 'Tens of thousands in SF'.
> I would guestimate more like 100,000 or more, just based on being
> here for SFPride which has been about 300,000-ish the past few years.
> It  was note quite as big as Pride, but almost and it was huge, much
> bigger than 'tens of thousands'.
> Joan Baez spoke and sang 4 songs, ending with  Christmas in
> Washington.  Bonnie Raitt did one song accompanying herself on
> guitar.  Many many speakers, including Martin Sheen who roused the
> crowd immensely.  And of course Representative Barbara Lee.  It was a
> very high-energy, and COMMITTED feeling with as diverse a crowd as
> I've ever seen.
> Articles in today's SF Chronicle:

Thanks for the report, Richard. I wish I could have been there.
Here's the start of the SF Chronicle front page headline "Nation
rallies for peace"

>From San Francisco to Washington, D.C., from Paris
to Tokyo, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators
took to the world's streets Saturday to protest
potential military action against Iraq by the Bush
administration and its allies.

In Washington, where temperatures hovered in the
mid-20s, as many as 500, 000 protesters rallied
outside the Capitol, while in San Francisco tens of
thousands of peace activists marched up Market
Street from the Ferry Building to City Hall.

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