First of all, let me write that I am now in a new place.  Physically,
emotionally, spiritually, etc.  Places I should write.  My computer is lost
somewhere in that postal world.  Remember-I want my MTV.  Well, I want my
Outlook Express.  

 Epiphanies--With Joni I suppose one could have one of these often, each
different.  With the words and music of the albums I have been taken many
places, introspective treks throughout the realms of my mind and soul. 
Yet, at those times I was awakened to things that I had already known, in
some way or another, she made some of them clearer, solidified others. 
DED, as I wrote at the time, was the album that opened my mind to avenues,
thoughts that I had not traveled, known before.  It was then, as my eyes
welled up, that I realized that I was no better than anyone else and that
my ideas of my own superiority were not only dangerous but pitiful and made
me even less than those that I had labeled as of a defective nature,
standing, importance than my own.  It was 'Good Friends' that will
forevermore, in my mind, be a tune that reminds me of that incomparable one
from Ohio.  It was there that I realized that I not only did not have all
the answers, I didn't have most of them.  It was there that I knew that I
had not worked hard enough for others, had not done enough to make the
world a better place.  It was there that I finally knew that Joni Mitchell
is a genius, in more ways than this mind can explain in words.  It was
there that it came to me that I had not been generous, not forgiving
enough, not a man that I was proud to be.  Despite what is said about this
album, I found it to be one that told me to try harder, to examine further,
and to give others more than the benefit of the doubt.  


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