In a message dated 1/20/2003 7:21:06 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Would someone be able to tell me where I might get a copy 
> of/a listen to 
> Tori doing A Case of You and/or River.

They should both be available through kazaa (a file sharing program much like Napster)

There was a Tori website that had "River" as a download. Don't know if it's still out 
there, you might try and typing in "Tori Amos" +River and see what you 
can find.

E-bay ALWAYS has Tori cd's for sale with ACOY; River is rarer but shows up there as 

I'll be happy to burn a cd with both tracks if you want to send me a blank cd and a 
self-addressed stamped envelope, or the costs for same.


NP: Eddie From Ohio, "Fire" 

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