Joniphiles -

Two facts:

1) In the last three digests, exactly two thirds of the posts were labelled NJC (70 out of 105).

2) Some time ago, I set up a JMDL-PC list at Yahoo. This list may be used to move heated political debates off the JMDL and into another forum. My intent and hope was that it be a self-regulating process, that one of those involved in the political discussion would initiate the transition to the PC list.

Membership is unrestricted, immediate and unsupervised - gained by sending a message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. You'll be subbed faster than you can get your boxing gloves laced up. Messages are posted to that list by sending a message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

No opinions here, just the facts, m'am. :-)


NP: Alice Cooper "Caught in a Dream" (guilty pleasure #284)

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