I also consider CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES as one of those books any literate
person should read at least once in their lives. Ignatius Reilly's one-man
battle with the rest of the civilization is funny and endearing in that he
really believes in the (lost) causes he is espousing.

But I have to admit that there are parts of the book I don't understand.
Or maybe its the local Southern joke that kept it private from non-US

I was surprised to discover at a second-hand bookstore that Toole also
wrote THE NEON BIBLE which he wrote when he was an adolescent. A truly
talented author the world lost too soon.

Joseph in Manila
nr: (now reading) "Ella Fitzgerald: The FIrst Lady of Jazz" by Stuart

> Lori Fye wrote:
>> Ignatius J. Reilly lives!
> My favorite book!
> And for those of you who are also fans, I strongly recommend Ignatius
> Rising: The Life of John Kennedy Toole.
> Jerry

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