Wally, if Labour were to fall out of favor, Estuary English would still be the in-thing because so many in the Conservative Party have tried to copy it -- to sound electable -- that they'd be unable to revert. Plus we have people like Sebastian Coe in the House of Lords. The only people left speaking RP are the Queen and Prince Charles, and linguists would probably argue even they don't speak it, given no-one can understand a word they're saying.

Interesting phonetics titbit: people from South London can't say "th". They say Sarf London. I've sat with friends from the Vauxhall area over bottles of Baileys for whole evenings, going th, th, th -- for hours on end, in front of mirrors and what have you, because they so badly wanted to learn to do it, but no -- f, f, f -- was all that would come out. . . fis, fat, fere etc. So sad. . . ;-)


At 2:03 AM -0300 01/23/2003, Wally Kairuz wrote:
sarah!!! what you tell me is so amazing! it's a revolutionary phenomenon. i
am a phonetics freak -- a crime mike pritchard is so fond of accusing me
of -- and if you only knew the countless volumes that written recommending
RP as the ONLY way to sound posh in the UK. so what would happen if the
labour party lost the population's favor? would everybody try to sound like
olivier again?

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