Trying to figure out how you all get to answer each other before postings!!
I am missing out somehow......DURRR BRAIN ME!

Lyrics at the moment (some pertinent some very impertinent with their
arrival in my head at odd moments)

"I know it would be outrageous,
to come on all courageous
And offer you my hand
To pull you up on to dry land
when all I got is sinking sand
the trick aint worth the time it buys
I'm sick and tired of my own lies
And love's a raven when it flies

Honey now if I'm honest
I still don't know what love is"

David Gray, "The other side" (New day at Midnight)

Impertinent lyrics

How about
"postman Pat,
postman pat,
post man Pat and his black and white cat"......

that one is really hard to shake off and I do not even have any kids who
watch the show, but I was in a school the other day and one of the infants
sang it loudly.....

The other one impertinent one which is haunting me is
Johnny's not a high concept guy
but he's front page news
Let me tell you why
He's on the cover of the New York Post
All three networks coast to coast
All he needed was a hot night in june
'Cos he had the needle and he had the spoon
When he spiked it bit, and man he flew
Into America's living room....

Paul Brady "Marriage made in Hollywood" Spirits colliding.....Brilliant

Ah well the mind is strange as to what it hangs onto at times.... I have
come to the conclusion that some of the VERY abstract thoughts that pop into
our brains are actually parts of other people's mobile phone conversations
and text messages that somehow stick to your brain. Otherwise why did I
suddenly look to buy bananas in a shoe shop? I knew I needed shoes but
suddenly thought "oh whlie I am here I must get some bananas"...... and they
are my least favourite fruit....... or is someone going to tell me bananas
are veg!


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