In last digest I got, and thanks to all who explained the "reply before
publishing anomaly" I get the degst not all mail.......,

Fred wrote

"The accurate terms are "pro-choice" and "anti-choice."

- -Fred"

Well done Fred... that says it all really...

Whether we are involved in the philosophical debate of "free will or
determinism" or just bumbling along trying to make sense of how to do an oil
change on your car without upsetting neighbours.... we all like to feel we
have a choice in life.... however it is spurred along and whatever the
conclusion we "do things".

We are humans and "things" is what we do. Some "things" we do well... some not
so well. Our decisions may offend the sensibilities of others, the choices we
make may not always be the best ones, but we do have to learn to live with the
consequences of the actions we take at the time, and acknowledge the factors
that were operating at the time we made the choice.

I think it would be nice to be JOni, as she must know that the THING she does
is brilliant our humble opinion, anyway......

Well that is my two pence worth (I wonder what that is in Euros) for now.

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